Satanic “Wellspring Anglican Church” in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, explicitly banished from fellowship a Christian who is absolutely innocent in relation to all excommunications by other churches and is also absolutely innocent to this particular Anglican church. Their devilish Anglican senior pastor, Rob Imberger, falsely alluded that he knows the Christian as mentally dangerous, but arrogantly refused to specify any reason for his demeaning scheme to isolate and humiliate the innocent Christian.







Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart, Tasmania, explicitly banished a Christian who is absolutely innocent in relation to all excommunications by hundreds of churches who have previously excommunicated the same Christian. The satanic Anglican senior pastor, Reverend Rob Imberger, banished Torsten from all church fellowship in his declaration of intent against Torsten “You will not be welcome to join small group, or community group or fellowships group.” Anglican Reverend Rob Imberger declared an isolationist condition against Torsten related to any future visits to Sunday public gatherings at his Wellspring Anglican Church; a condition aimed at isolating, controlling, and humiliating Torsten while magnifying Anglican pastor Rob Imberger’s personal power. Anglican Reverend Rob Imberger’s intent to isolate, absolutely control, and obstruct Torsten from freely communicating mutually with other persons was clarified by his instructions “You meet me, we sit together for the duration, […] I’ll stay with you afterwards.” This devilish Anglican pastor’s purpose was to obstruct God’s will. Anglican Senior Pastor Rob Imberger’s counter-objective was to ensure that Torsten would have no occasion to communicate with any woman of my mutual choice. The churchist, Rob Imberger, threatened Torsten that Rob Imberger will enforce his command with police intervention if Torsten were to reject his orders: “I will call the police that you are trespassing on private property.


When Torsten repeatedly asked the typically satanic Anglican pastor, Rob Imberger, to provide a reason for Rob Imberger’s isolating/controlling/demeaning intent, he absolutely refused to provide a reason, but instead he arrogantly replied: “I have said as much as I’m gonna say on that topic.”, “I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.”, “I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.” and “If you continue through email I’ll just refer to this conversation again.


Torsten had declared his Biblical and Godly objective to seek opportunities to fellowship and socialise with also Christian singles. The Anglican senior pastor’s anti-Biblical counter-objective was to obstruct all opportunities of communication, socialising, fellowship, friendship and relationship-building with presumed Christians. Torsten’s objective was Biblical and Godly. The Anglican church’s objective was anti-Biblical and satanic.


The Anglican pastor reasoned that he knows Torsten, and therefore Torsten must be isolated from communicating freely with other people of his church. The Anglican pastor declared falsely that he knows Torsten. The truth is that no church-person on earth knows Torsten. The Anglican pastor Rob Imberger had never previously met Torsten prior to Torsten’s first/last visit to his church building on Sunday Nov.8 2015. A combination of evil Anglican intent, and loyalty to other Anglican clergy at the cost of truth, justice and God, is the real reason for this Anglican pastor Rob Imberger’s satanic scheme.


The Anglican Reverend Rob Imberger’s imposed dehumanising and demeaning scheme against innocent Torsten entailed that the Anglican reverend and his churchianity subordinates intended to continue to conduct themselves antagonistically against God and Torsten; as though Torsten were a dangerous psychiatric patient under Rob Imberger’s control inside their insane asylum.


Anglicanism and satanism are often similar in conduct.



Torsten’s uncontested description of the events at Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia on Sunday 2015-11-08:


On Nov.8 2015, Torsten walked onto the church property of Wellspring Anglican Church for the first and last time. Torsten walked into the church building approximately 25 minutes after their scheduled 6pm Sunday evening meeting, and seated himself quietly on one of the empty chairs on the second last row in the back of the assembly room. On the very last row behind Torsten sat a group of persons. Soon after Torsten had entered and sat down, one of the men who sat behind Torsten and who observed Torsten entering, stood up and walked up to a man seated further towards the front and briefly whispered something to that man. Torsten’s impression at that time of the occurrence was that the man whispering was someone with influence, and the man who was whispered to was someone with authority. Later in the meeting, the man who was whispered to stood up and began speaking from the front of the assembly room; indicating that this man probably was one of their so-called pastors (Rob Imberger). Immediately after the end of the staged meeting, the man who had communicated by whispering to the speaker (Rob Imberger), sat down on the empty chair next to Torsten and commenced the Australian-style church interrogation. Torsten tried to answer most of the questions asked. There was nothing friendly in the manner of confrontation by the church-man, but simply the usual Australian-style church interrogation. Because Torsten reads situations and people very well, Torsten asked the church-man if he had a role in this particular church, which he denied at first. At the very end of the church-man’s interrogation, the church-man admitted that he was in fact a Warden of their church, and then he stood up with intent to leave. Torsten politely reminded the church-man as he was about to leave that Torsten’s first question to him concerned this church-man’s role at their church. Torsten then described to the church-man what Torsten had observed regarding the church-man’s whispering to their church leader (Rob Imberger). The church-man replied to Torsten’s stated observation with an explanation that he was whispering to Rob Imberger a concern of building maintenance. The church-man Warden walked away.


Torsten suspected that their Anglican church-Warden did not raise an urgent concern of building maintenance by leaving his seat at the back to walk further upfront and quickly whispering to their “pastor” Rob Imberger, shortly after Torsten had arrived into the assembly room. Rather, Torsten suspects that their Anglican Warden was informing their leader that the (dangerous) person Torsten was spotted to have entered the church premises. It seems very likely that the Anglican Warden lied (as a typical church leader) to Torsten regarding the Warden’s whispered message to his pastor.


Torsten stood up after the Australian-style church-man Warden interrogation, and looked around the room for people who looked approachable. Torsten saw a group standing leisurely towards the front, so Torsten slowly walked in the direction towards that group. A man saw Torsten approaching and spoke to Torsten in a rather harsh tone of voice. Again, there was nothing friendly in the second church-man’s voice either; just Australian-style church harshness voice. A typical Australian-style church interrogation was repeated. The harshly voiced man was one of their Anglican “pastors” Chris Bowditch. While Torsten stood and answered a series of questions to the harshly voiced Australian Anglican, their Anglican Reverend Priest in Charge - Rob Imberger – approached Torsten.


Anglican Revd Priest in Charge, Rob Imberger, spoke to Torsten in a proper but impersonal tone of voice, and asked if Torsten would like to have a word with him in a more quiet area. Torsten replied: “I have not requested to speak with you.” Rob Imberger repeated his exact same question. Torsten replied a second time: “No, I have not requested to speak with you.” Torsten immediately recognised the disguised hostility, and therefore took out his mobile phone from his pocket, quickly commenced the audio recorder, and stretched out his phone towards the chin of Rob Imberger.


The conversation that followed between Rob Imberger and Torsten was recorded and transcribed.


Audio recording of Anglican Reverend Priest in Charge, Rob Imberger, of Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia:






Transcript of audio recording:


Rob Imberger:   Because I know you, I wanted to let you know some things.

Torsten:   Yeah?

Rob Imberger:   I’ve got some genuine concern for your health, and what would be for your good, based on the way you’ve conducted yourself on internet posts, and the way you’ve decided to treat other churches and other church leaders, I have genuine concern for our people here at Wellspring, in your pursuit of relationship with them. Given I know these things, here’s the way forward. You will be welcome at any of our Sunday gatherings. I really hope you were blessed tonight. I hope you enjoy future Sundays as well. You will not be welcome to join small group, or community group or fellowships group. That’s at my discretion as a senior pastor, for treatment as outlined [?]. If you do choose to accept my invitation to be part of our Sunday gathering, there is one condition: that is when you come, you meet me, we sit together for the duration, we have a chat to meet among people, I’ll stay with you afterwards. If you don’t accept that condition I’ll have to ask you to leave. If you refuse to do that I will call the police that you are trespassing on private property. I trust that I have made myself clear.

Torsten:   Would you like me to leave now?

Rob Imberger:   I am not requesting you to leave now. You are welcome as I said to any of our Sunday gatherings. I’m sorry I didn’t mean that. [Rob Imberger accidentally hit his hand against my arm.] … to any of our gatherings and this is still a Sunday gathering.

Torsten:   You’re making a request. You’re saying that I have to report to you before I enter. Is that correct?

Rob Imberger:   Yes, that is correct.

Torsten:   What’s the reason for that?

Rob Imberger:   I don’t need to give you my reason.

Rob Imberger:   And I have said as much as I’m gonna say on that topic. As far as I’m concerned our conversation at the moment is over. And I’m gonna have a chat to other people here, tonight. You’re welcome to come back next week. And I look forward to seeing you then.

Torsten:   Mmm … That’s a radical decision. You’re actually demanding that I REPORT to you before I enter the building. Isn’t that … [interrupted by Rob Imberger]

Rob Imberger:   When you enter the building.

Torsten:   So why should I report to you?

Rob Imberger:   I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.

Torsten:   Do you have a Biblical reason?

Rob Imberger:   I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.

[Torsten reads the name tag on the confronting person.]

Torsten:   And you’re Rob. Pastor Rob – is that correct?

Rob Imberger:   Correct.

Torsten: Imberger.

Rob Imberger: Yeah. German.

Torsten: Are you a Christian?

Rob Imberger: yes

Torsten:   Do you have a Biblical reason for, ehm …

Rob Imberger:   In about ten seconds, I’m gonna walk away.

Torsten:   Mhm

Rob Imberger:   to continue having a chat with some other people here who are parishioners. I have made myself clear. And if you continue through email I’ll just refer to this conversation again. Thank-you. And it has been good to meet you Torsten.



Rob Imberger walked away. Torsten turned off his mobile phone recorder, and immediately began walking towards the exit. Torsten exited the church building doors, walked across the cemented yard and finally onto public sidewalk - back into the comparatively refreshing decency, humanity and sanity of the secular world. At the edge of the church property stood a young woman alone. Torsten began a conversation with her. Torsten’s initial question was: Are you part of this Anglican church? She was. Torsten and the woman conversed for approximately five minutes. During the conversation Torsten stood on the sidewalk while the woman stood at the edge of the church property. Another young woman exited the church door after five minutes, walked intentionally towards the woman in conversation with Torsten, and directed the conversing woman away from Torsten back into the church building. The other woman did not greet Torsten, but simply requested to the conversing woman that she would re-enter the church building.


The impression of the situation was that the other woman was intentionally bringing the conversing woman away from Torsten, by requesting her back into safety of the church building, as possibly the Anglican pastor Rob Imberger might have warned his church leaders that Torsten is dangerous.



As a typically devilish Anglican pastor, Anglican Reverend Rob Imberger absolutely refused to explain or answer any questions related to his actions and decisions. These were the questions asked by Torsten:


1.       You declared “I’ve got some genuine concern for your health.” What is your specific health concern?


2.       You declared the way you’ve conducted yourself on internet posts” Which specific conduct? Which specific internet posts?


3.       You declared “the way you’ve decided to treat other churches and other church leaders” In what specific way have I treated other churches? In what specific way have I treated other church leaders?


4.       You declared “I have genuine concern for our people here at Wellspring, in your pursuit of relationship with them.” What is your specific concern for your people in relation to me at Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart?


5.       You banished me from all fellowship in your declaration “You will not be welcome to join small group, or community group or fellowships group.” Why did you excommunicate me from all aspects of communication/fellowship with all persons of your church? What is your Biblical or reality-based reason for your fellowship excommunication against me?


6.       You declared an isolationist condition against me related to any future visits to Sunday gatherings at Wellspring Anglican Church. Your condition is aimed at isolating, controlling, humiliating and demonstrating personal power. You declared “You meet me, we sit together for the duration, […] I’ll stay with you afterwards.” What is your Biblical or reality-based reason for seeking to isolate, control and demean me? Your counter-objective is to ensure that I have no occasion to communicate with any woman of my mutual choice. What specific dangers do I pose to people? As an Anglican churchist, you threatened me that you will enforce your command with police intervention if I were to reject your orders “I will call the police that you are trespassing on private property.


7.       When I repeatedly asked that you provide to me a reason for your isolating/controlling/demeaning intent, you absolutely refused to provide a reason, but instead arrogantly replied: “I have said as much as I’m gonna say on that topic.”, “I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.”, “I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.” and “If you continue through email I’ll just refer to this conversation again.


8.       What did your warden quickly whisper in your ear while you were seated at the beginning of your “service” on Sunday evening? Which specific building maintenance concern did he urgently mention?


9.       What was the actual purpose of the woman who walked out of your church building to interfere with a conversation on the public property sidewalk, and requesting that the young woman who I was in conversation with there should promptly return into the church building?



Malevolence, inhumanity, lying and slandering is primary conduct of most church leaders anywhere, and the satanic Anglican conduct of Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart and the Anglican Diocese of Tasmania accentuate this truth.


The email dialogue with Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart, Tasmania, is read chronologically from the bottom upwards beneath, with the most recent email at the top:














Thu, 12 Nov 2015 10:36:55 +1100







Anglican Revd Priest in Charge of Wellspring Anglican Church -- Rob Imberger.









Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:25:26 +1100

From: <>




Fwd: Anglican Revd Priest in Charge of Wellspring Anglican Church -- Rob Imberger.









Wed, 11 Nov 2015 11:24:48 +1100

From: <>




Anglican Revd Priest in Charge of Wellspring Anglican Church -- Rob Imberger.


Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart.


Hello Anglican Rob Imberger,


Based on my interpreted observations and based on beneath provided evidential facts, there are some questions which you are morally obligated to answer. This is also the opportunity for you to review the narrative and present objections if any part would appear inaccurate.


My declared objective was to seek opportunities to fellowship and socialise with also Christian singles. It is evident that your counter-objective is to obstruct all opportunities of communication, socialising, fellowship, friendship and relationship-building with presumed Christians. My objective is Biblical and Godly. Your objective is anti-Biblical and satanic.


Furthermore, your imposed dehumanising and demeaning scheme entails that you and your churchianity subordinates intend to continue to conduct yourself against me; as though I were a dangerous psychiatric patient under your control in your insane asylum.


You declared falsely that you know me. No church-person on earth knows me. You had never previously met me prior to my visit to your church building on Sunday Nov.8 2015.


Questions which I request that you answer:


1.       You declared “I’ve got some genuine concern for your health.” What is your specific health concern?


2.       You declared “the way you’ve conducted yourself on internet posts” Which specific conduct? Which specific internet posts?


3.       You declared “the way you’ve decided to treat other churches and other church leaders” In what specific way have I treated other churches? In what specific way have I treated other church leaders?


4.       You declared “I have genuine concern for our people here at Wellspring, in your pursuit of relationship with them.” What is your specific concern for your people in relation to me at Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart?


5.       You banished me from all fellowship in your declaration “You will not be welcome to join small group, or community group or fellowships group.” Why did you excommunicate me from all aspects of communication/fellowship with all persons of your church? What is your Biblical or reality-based reason for your fellowship excommunication against me?


6.       You declared an isolationist condition against me related to any future visits to Sunday gatherings at Wellspring Anglican Church. Your condition is aimed at isolating, controlling, humiliating and demonstrating personal power. You declared “You meet me, we sit together for the duration, […] I’ll stay with you afterwards.” What is your Biblical or reality-based reason for seeking to isolate, control and demean me? Your counter-objective is to ensure that I have no occasion to communicate with any woman of my mutual choice. What specific dangers do I pose to people? As an Anglican churchist, you threatened me that you will enforce your command with police intervention if I were to reject your orders “I will call the police that you are trespassing on private property.


7.       When I repeatedly asked that you provide to me a reason for your isolating/controlling/demeaning intent, you absolutely refused to provide a reason, but instead arrogantly replied: “I have said as much as I’m gonna say on that topic.”, “I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.”, “I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.” and “If you continue through email I’ll just refer to this conversation again.


8.       What did your warden quickly whisper in your ear while you were seated at the beginning of your “service” on Sunday evening? Which specific building maintenance concern did he urgently mention?


9.       What was the actual purpose of the woman who walked out of your church building to interfere with a conversation on the public property sidewalk, and requesting that the young woman who I was in conversation with there should promptly return into the church building?


Please answer these questions.




Torsten Nenzen




On Nov.8 2015, Torsten walked onto the church property of Wellspring Anglican Church for the first and last time. Torsten walked into the church building approximately 25 minutes after their scheduled 6pm Sunday evening meeting, and seated himself quietly on one of the empty chairs on the second last row in the back of the assembly room. On the very last row behind Torsten sat a group of persons. Soon after Torsten had entered and sat down, one of the men who sat behind Torsten and who observed Torsten entering, stood up and walked up to a man seated further towards the front and briefly whispered something to that man. Torsten’s impression at that time of the occurrence was that the man whispering was someone with influence, and the man who was whispered to was someone with authority. Later in the meeting, the man who was whispered to stood up and began speaking from the front of the assembly room; indicating that this man probably was one of their so-called pastors (Rob Imberger). Immediately after the end of the staged meeting, the man who had communicated by whispering to the speaker (Rob Imberger), sat down on the empty chair next to Torsten and commenced the Australian-style church interrogation. Torsten tried to answer most of the questions asked. There was nothing friendly in the manner of confrontation by the church-man, but simply the usual Australian-style church interrogation. Because Torsten reads situations and people very well, Torsten asked the church-man if he had a role in this particular church, which he denied at first. At the very end of the church-man’s interrogation, the church-man admitted that he was in fact a Warden of their church, and then he stood up with intent to leave. Torsten politely reminded the church-man as he was about to leave that Torsten’s first question to him concerned the church-man’s role at their church. Torsten then described to the church-man what Torsten had observed regarding the church-man’s whispering to their church leader (Rob Imberger). The church-man replied to my stated observation with an explanation that he was whispering to Rob Imberger a concern of building maintenance. The church-man Warden walked away.


Torsten suspected that their Anglican church-Warden did not raise an urgent concern of building maintenance by leaving his seat at the back to walk further upfront and quickly whispering to their “pastor” Rob Imberger, shortly after Torsten had arrived into the assembly room. Rather, Torsten suspects that their Anglican Warden was informing their leader that the (dangerous) person Torsten was spotted to have entered the church premises.


Torsten stood up after the Australian-style church-man Warden interrogation, and looked around the room for people who looked approachable. Torsten saw a group standing leisurely towards the front, so Torsten slowly walked in the direction towards that group. A man saw Torsten approaching and spoke to Torsten in a rather harsh tone of voice. Again, there was nothing friendly in the second church-man’s voice either; just Australian-style church harshness voice. A typical Australian-style church interrogation was repeated. The harshly voiced man was one of their Anglican “pastors” Chris Bowditch. While Torsten stood and answered a series of questions to the harshly voiced Australian Anglican, their Anglican Reverend Priest in Charge - Rob Imberger – approached Torsten.


Anglican Revd Priest in Charge, Rob Imberger, spoke to Torsten in a proper but impersonal tone of voice, and asked if Torsten would like to have a word with him in a more quiet area. Torsten replied: “I have not requested to speak with you.” Rob Imberger repeated his exact same question. Torsten replied a second time: “No, I have not requested to speak with you.” Torsten immediately recognised the disguised hostility, and therefore took out his mobile phone from his pocket, quickly commenced the audio recorder, and stretched out his phone towards the chin of Rob Imberger.


The conversation that followed between Rob Imberger and Torsten was recorded as transcribed.


Audio recording of Anglican Reverend Priest in Charge, Rob Imberger, of Wellspring Anglican Church in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia:




Transcript of audio recording:

Rob Imberger:   Because I know you, I wanted to let you know some things.

Torsten:   Yeah?

Rob Imberger:   I’ve got some genuine concern for your health, and what would be for your good, based on the way you’ve conducted yourself on internet posts, and the way you’ve decided to treat other churches and other church leaders, I have genuine concern for our people here at Wellspring, in your pursuit of relationship with them. Given I know these things, here’s the way forward. You will be welcome at any of our Sunday gatherings. I really hope you were blessed tonight. I hope you enjoy future Sundays as well. You will not be welcome to join small group, or community group or fellowships group. That’s at my discretion as a senior pastor, for treatment as outlined [?]. If you do choose to accept my invitation to be part of our Sunday gathering, there is one condition: that is when you come, you meet me, we sit together for the duration, we have a chat to meet among people, I’ll stay with you afterwards. If you don’t accept that condition I’ll have to ask you to leave. If you refuse to do that I will call the police that you are trespassing on private property. I trust that I have made myself clear.

Torsten:   Would you like me to leave now?

Rob Imberger:   I am not requesting you to leave now. You are welcome as I said to any of our Sunday gatherings. I’m sorry I didn’t mean that. [Rob Imberger accidentally hit his hand against my arm.] … to any of our gatherings and this is still a Sunday gathering.

Torsten:   You’re making a request. You’re saying that I have to report to you before I enter. Is that correct?

Rob Imberger:   Yes, that is correct.

Torsten:   What’s the reason for that?

Rob Imberger:   I don’t need to give you my reason.

Rob Imberger:   And I have said as much as I’m gonna say on that topic. As far as I’m concerned our conversation at the moment is over. And I’m gonna have a chat to other people here, tonight. You’re welcome to come back next week. And I look forward to seeing you then.

Torsten:   Mmm … That’s a radical decision. You’re actually demanding that I REPORT to you before I enter the building. Isn’t that … [interrupted by Rob Imberger]

Rob Imberger:   When you enter the building.

Torsten:   So why should I report to you?

Rob Imberger:   I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.

Torsten:   Do you have a Biblical reason?

Rob Imberger:   I don’t need to answer that question. I have made myself clear.

[Torsten reads the name tag on the confronting person.]

Torsten:   And you’re Rob. Pastor Rob – is that correct?

Rob Imberger:   Correct.

Torsten: Imberger.

Rob Imberger: Yeah. German.

Torsten: Are you a Christian?

Rob Imberger: yes

Torsten:   Do you have a Biblical reason for, ehm …

Rob Imberger:   In about ten seconds, I’m gonna walk away.

Torsten:   Mhm

Rob Imberger:   to continue having a chat with some other people here who are parishioners. I have made myself clear. And if you continue through email I’ll just refer to this conversation again. Thank-you. And it has been good to meet you Torsten.


Rob Imberger walked away. Torsten turned off his mobile phone recorder, and immediately began walking towards the exit. Torsten exited the church building doors, walked across the cemented yard and finally onto public sidewalk - back into the comparatively refreshing decency, humanity and sanity of the secular world. At the edge of the church property stood a young woman alone. Torsten began a conversation with her. Torsten’s initial question was: Are you part of this Anglican church? She was. Torsten and the woman conversed for approximately five minutes. During the conversation Torsten stood on the sidewalk while the woman stood at the edge of the church property. Another young woman exited the church door after five minutes, walked intentionally towards the woman in conversation with Torsten, and directed the conversing woman away from Torsten back into the church building. The other woman did not greet Torsten, but simply requested that the conversing woman would re-enter the church building.


The impression of the situation was that the other woman was intentionally bringing the conversing woman away from Torsten, by requesting her back into safety of the church building, as possibly the Anglican pastor Rob Imberger might have warned his church leaders that Torsten is dangerous.









Fri, 6 Nov 2015 09:31:49 +1100


Wellspring Admin <>



Re: Christian relationships.


Hi Torsten,


You are welcome to come along to one of our sunday services. We have a family service 10am on a Sunday and a service for young adults at 6pm on a sunday.


If you come along to one of those you will be able to make connections and hopefully join one of our small groups.


We do not have any specific singles events/groups.


Lara Nairn


Wellspring Anglican Church

p 6221 2310

Office Open: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Cnr Lord & Grosvenor Sts

PO Box 405

Sandy Bay 7006









Fri, 6 Nov 2015 00:27:43 +1100

From: <>



Christian relationships.


Wellspring Anglican Church.




I am a Christian here in Hobart. I seek a Christian community in Hobart where I could find opportunities to fellowship and socialise with also Christian singles.


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also mixed single Christians in the age bracket 30-39 (maybe also late 20’s) gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church where to also develop friendships?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén