Superficial “Influencers Church” in Adelaide, Australia, initially appeared to have covertly excommunicated a Christian who is absolutely innocent in relation to all excommunications by other churches, and is absolutely innocent in relation to this particular church. Influencers Church Adelaide initially refused to welcome and refused to communicate, but later included the Christian in their impersonal mass emails. Later, one personal email dialogue occurred, but none of the church leaders would/could personally welcome to an activity which includes social opportunity with Christians.






Influencers Church in Adelaide, Australia, refused to welcome to any activity which could include occasion to socialise with other Christians.


Thrice, I filled out a connection card with my personal contact information and handed it over to on-duty volunteers and pastors. Although impersonal standardised emails were eventually sent by their church office, none within Influencers Church welcomed to opportunity to socialise with other Christians, possibly because Influencers Church might regard human relationships as less important or unimportant.


Malevolence, inhumanity, lying and slandering is a primary conduct of most church leaders anywhere, and this particular stage-focused church accentuates the typical superficiality and falsehood of prosperity-theology ‘pentecostalism’.


The email dialogue with Influencers Church in Adelaide, Australia, is read chronologically from the bottom upwards beneath, with the most recent email at the top:














Tue, 03 Feb 2015 19:44:59 +1030

From: <>


Sarah Bilan <>


Re: Water Baptisms & New Christians Course at Influencers Church


Influencers Church.


Hello Sarah Bilan,


Thanks for sending a standardised email.


Your church’s suggestion that it might be suitable for me to attend a course aimed for persons who are interested in discovering Christianity, with the title ‘Getting started with God’, confirms for me that your church is relationally out of touch with people.


While such courses are good, suggesting to mature Christians to attend them, while also ignoring personal communication and relationship building within your church, underscores your church’s superficiality, falsehood and 'prosperity' theology.


No thanks.




Torsten Nenzen









Tue, 3 Feb 2015 06:06:37 +0000


Sarah Bilan <>


Water Baptisms & New Christians Course at Influencers Church



My name is Sarah Bilan and I am the New Christian Pastor at Influencers Church.

I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know about some exciting opportunities to help with getting connected into Influencers Church and grow in your Christian walk

We have our New Christian Course, ‘Getting Started with God’ starting this Sunday 8th of February at  11am at the Influencers City Campus. This course runs for only 4 weeks, for 45 minutes. It is an excellent opportunity to grown in your understanding of being a Christian, reading the Bible, and is a great place to get to know other people in a similar place, and brunch is provided.

Below is a short clip from Grace, who recently completed the New Christian Course and highly recommends it. To check out what she has to say, click on the link 

In addition to the New Christian Course, we also have Water Baptisms on next Sunday 15th February during the 10am Service at Paradise. We have an information night about Water Baptisms on Tuesday 10th February at 7:00pm at the City Campus.

If you haven’t been Water Baptized, it is an important step that empowers your Christian walk. Joanna who was baptized last year shares in a short clip about her experience, to check it out, click on the link below.

There are fliers attached for both the New Christian Course and Water Baptisms, if you are interested in either and want to register or would like to know more information, please don’t hesitate to email myself on or phone on 8336 0000.


Sarah Bilan

New Person & New Christian Pastor



AUSTRALIA | Adelaide

address  57 Darley Road, Paradise SA 5075 | phone +61 8 8336 0000

email | twitter @InfluencersAUS


USA | Atlanta

address  6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 | phone +1 (770) 945-2491

email | twitter @InfluencersATL









Mon, 02 Feb 2015 12:47:55 +1030

From: <>


kabandanyi kazadi <>,,


socials for real Christians?


Influencers Church Adelaide,


Hello Kab,


Are there any authentic social occasions for real Christians?


Is one of the prioritised foci of Influencers Church to manipulate audiences to "reach a higher level of faith" in relation to giving money to the office?




Torsten Nenzen









Fri, 30 Jan 2015 00:32:48 +0000


Judah Cheah <>


City Campus News


Hey everyone,


I hope you have had a great week so far! Pastor Kab and I are excited to hear reports coming in from so many people that have been stirred up by the two week series on "The Four Promises of God for Your Life". If you have missed either of the last two weeks, I encourage you to order the sermon and listen to it at home so that you will have a clear idea of what direction we are heading in 2015.  It's going to be amazing to see God unlock the potential inside of you as we begin to give you the tools to move forward from wherever you are in the journey.


I just want to encourage you, no matter what you're facing on the journey, don't get stuck! Remember that you are most vulnerable to the enemy when you are not moving, so keep pushing forward. God has promised to do so much more for you, but as we said, God puts his promises in our REACH, not in our HANDS. Keep reaching! We are praying for you all and believing that this year you will see the promises of God being fulfilled in your life! 


Well, we have a lot of exciting things going on so here are a few important updates & reminders for you:


         Don't forget, THIS WEEK WE RETURN TO 2 SERVICES at 9am & 11am. Spread the word! Please come out early, love on some people and then be ready to enter into worship at the very beginning of service. Let's set the atmosphere from the very start!


         This week at Friday Night Church (Paradise Campus) we will be honouring Ps Andrew Evans as well as those of you who have been a part of Influencers church for many years! Please come out and help us honour Ps Andrew as he is moving to the Gold Coast for a new season in life and ministry. Let's show him how much we appreciate the legacy he has left here in Adelaide.


         BAPTISMS are coming up on February 15th in the 11am service.  If you have not been baptized and are considering it, please talk to Ps Glenda or any of the leaders. Just do it! :)


         PRAYER.. In the coming weeks we will be relaunching corporate prayer at City Campus and across all 3 campuses. You will hear more about this very soon! We are a family that believes in the power of prayer and this will always be a priority in the life of the church


         City Campus FRESHEN UP... Just an update for the many of you who have contributed to the Freshen Up fund. We have been able to raise about $13,000 of the $25,000 and we thank you so much for your generosity. Although we have come short of our goal at this time, we have already been able to do many things with the money you have so generously given. If you haven't noticed, the inside of the church has now been freshly painted. The toilets have been fixed as well! Also, you may have noticed that I didn't almost fall flat on the floor this weekend because we have a new stage! One thing that you can look to see very soon is a BRAND NEW COFFEE MACHINE. A GOOD ONE!  Very exciting! So thank you for your continued generosity!


That's it for this week. We love you and can't wait to see you all at church! 


Ps Katy.




AUSTRALIA | Adelaide

address  57 Darley Road, Paradise SA 5075 | phone +61 8 8336 0000

email | twitter @InfluencersAUS


USA | Atlanta

address  6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 | phone +1 (770) 945-2491

email | twitter @InfluencersATL









Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:23:25 +1030

From: <>


kabandanyi kazadi <>,


Re: Influencers City Campus


Influencers Church Adelaide,


Hi Kab,


Thanks for replying.


The information is neither sensitive nor classified. You are free to forward any information to anyone.


Unfortunately, I am not available by telephone.


Kind regards,


Torsten Nenzen









Mon, 19 Jan 2015 22:50:49 +1030


kabandanyi kazadi <>

To: <>


Re: Influencers City Campus


Hey Torsten,


I would like to forward your information to Ian Stidwell. He is one of our leaders for Elevate. Is there a contact number where you can be reached?









Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:18:07 +1030

From: <>




Influencers City Campus


Influenncers Church Adelaide,


Hi Kab,


Thanks for your response and invitational email.


Due to your email address, as an unverified hotmail, I will primarily direct my reply through the official channel of the Influencers Church domain.


Thanks for personally receiving my filled communication card prior to the 'service' on Sunday Jan.11, 2015.


How do I contact "Elevate" of Influencers Church? When and where do they meet in such a way inclusive of socialising?


Kind regards,


Torsten Nenzen









Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:52:06 +1030


kabandanyi kazadi <>

To: <>


Influencers City Campus




It was great meeting you this past weekend. Thank you for coming to worship with us. I hope you had a great time. We have a ministry that would be perfect for you. It is our Elevate ministry for ages 28-45. I would love to connect you with one of our leaders in this department. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you again.


God Bless,


Ps. Kab









Fri, 16 Jan 2015 02:10:31 +0000


Judah Cheah <>


Judah Cheah <>


City Campus news


Hey everyone!


Just a quick email this week to let you know what is happening this weekend…


1)      We have Ps Wayne Alcorn (president of the ACC movement that we are a part of) speaking tonight at FNC, 7pm at our Paradise Campus. He is witty and funny and always comes with a word of season from God!


2)      We have Ps Katy peaching this Sun so let’s get excited for that. We also have our kids program back on so don’t forget to register your kids at the table at the back of the hall.


3)      For those of you who is coming down from the east side of the city, please be aware that there will be road closures along East Terrace for the Tour Down Under so you won’t be able to get to Grenfell St from East Terrace.


That’s all for me. See you all in church!!


Thanks and God bless!


Judah Cheah

International Students Pastor



AUSTRALIA | Adelaide

address  57 Darley Road, Paradise SA 5075 | phone +61 8 8336 0000

email | twitter @InfluencersAUS


USA | Atlanta

address  6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 | phone +1 (770) 945-2491

email | twitter @InfluencersATL









Fri, 16 Jan 2015 11:51:41 +1030





confirming the previous evidence of falsehood and covert ban?


Influencers Church in Adelaide,




On Sunday Jan.11, 2015, at your combined 10am service, for the third time I filled in one of your contact cards, and I personally handed that contact card into the hand of your preaching pastor. Your church refused to respond to the first two contact cards which I previously handed to your church staff and volunteers.


I believe there is now sufficient evidence of your covert excommunication and your utter falsehood.


Please confirm your stance.




Torsten Nenzen









Thu, 15 Jan 2015 20:29:59 +1030





Fwd: City Campus welcome?


Influencers Church,




On Sunday Jan.11, 2015, at your combined 10am service, for the third time I filled in one of your contact cards, and I personally handed that contact card into the hand of your preaching pastor. Your church refused to respond to the first two contact cards which I previously handed to your church staff and volunteers.


I believe there is now sufficient evidence of your covert excommunication and your utter falsehood.


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzen









Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:28:24 +1030


Torsten <>




City Campus welcome?


Influencers Church,




I visited your church yet again, yesterday, on Sunday Jan.11, 2015.


Jan.11, for the third time, I filled in one of your contact cards, and handed it personally to your pastor who was preaching at the combined 10am service. Your church refused to respond to the first two contact cards which I previously handed to your church staff and volunteers.


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also single Christians in the approximate age bracket 25-39 gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church that I can attend and develop friendships?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzen








Photograph of the church’s communication cards which was handed directly into the hand of Pastor Kab inside the church building, on Sunday Jan.11, 2015:









Sat, 10 Jan 2015 12:48:17 +1030


Torsten <>



Fwd: Re: City Campus news


Judah Cheah,




Am I really welcomed and connected?


Or, more likely, has Influencers Church covertly excommunicated me but you lack the moral courage to say so, and have not yet deleted my name from accidental inclusion on a send-list?


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also single Christians in the approximate age bracket 25-39 gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church that I can attend and develop friendships?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzen









Fri, 9 Jan 2015 01:13:31 +0000


Judah Cheah <>


Judah Cheah <>


City Campus news


Hey everyone,


This must be one of them intense/sombre weeks with the bush fire at the beginning of the week and the shooting in Paris recently. But I thank God that at least the fire has been brought under control. Let us continue to remember the fire and the shooting victims and those affected by it in our prayers.


On a more positive note, here are some news for this weekend…


1) Tim Ross is speaking tonight at FNC. He is an anointed and gifted speaker and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to hear  him preach tonight! If you new to our church, FNC (Friday Night Church) starts at 7pm at our Paradise Campus (57 Darley Rd, Paradise).


2) Ps Katy will be preaching this Sunday!! Yay!!! For those who unsure, it is still ONE service at 10am. And there is NO kids program this Sunday.


That’s all for now. See you all in church!!!


Thanks and God bless!


Judah Cheah

International Students Pastor



AUSTRALIA | Adelaide

address  57 Darley Road, Paradise SA 5075 | phone +61 8 8336 0000

email | twitter @InfluencersAUS


USA | Atlanta

address  6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 | phone +1 (770) 945-2491

email | twitter @InfluencersATL









Thu, 08 Jan 2015 20:45:53 +1030

From: <>


Judah Cheah <>


Re: City Campus news


Dear Judah Cheah,




Am I welcomed and connected?


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also single Christians in the approximate age bracket 25-39 gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church that I can attend and develop friendships?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén











Fri, 2 Jan 2015 00:44:30 +0000


Judah Cheah <>


City Campus news


Hey everyone!


We are in 2015!!! I hope you had a great New Year celebration!!! Made any new resolutions yet…?


We got Ps Josh to kick-start our year with a great Word from God. Ps Kab & Katy are back so we will be seeing them on Sunday as well. Hopefully they will be able to readjust and recover quickly from jetlag.


As it is the beginning of the year, we usually get a lot more visitors coming to our church for various reasons. So if you see someone new or an unfamiliar face on Sunday, why don’t you go up to the person and say hi and welcome them to our church! Make them feel welcomed! Make them feel connected! Love on them!


That’s all from me. See you in church!


Thanks and God bless!


Judah Cheah

International Students Pastor



AUSTRALIA | Adelaide

address  57 Darley Road, Paradise SA 5075 | phone +61 8 8336 0000

email | twitter @InfluencersAUS


USA | Atlanta

address  6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 | phone +1 (770) 945-2491

email | twitter @InfluencersATL









Mon, 15 Dec 2014 00:55:26 +0000


Judah Cheah <>


Judah Cheah <>


Carols & Fireworks


Hey everyone!


Hope you’ve had a good service yesterday. For those who come out for ministry and prayer, we hope you have been ministered to. Remember, you may be in the middle of a crisis AND a miracle at the same time!!!


Anyway, I want to quickly remind everyone that it’s our Carols & Fireworks this Fri (19th). We start with the outdoor festival as early as 5pm with rides and booths for kids and adults. The carols will start at 7:30pm and there will be fireworks at the end of the night.


For those of you who don’t usually come out to our FNC, why don’t you prioritise our Carols & Fireworks into your diary and come and join us this Friday!


We are also looking for volunteers to help out with the event. We currently need 6 volunteers to help serve at the Paradise Campus café from 5pm-7:30pm and maybe a little after the service. We’ve only got 1 volunteer so far and are needing another 5 more.


So please let me know if you are able to help out. And thanks in advance for your help!!


I hope you have a great week leading into Christmas. Make sure you have a plan/list/budget for your Christmas shopping so that you don’t end up overspending or missing out on gifts for important people!!! J


Thanks and God bless!


Judah Cheah

International Students Pastor



AUSTRALIA | Adelaide

address  57 Darley Road, Paradise SA 5075 | phone +61 8 8336 0000

email | twitter @InfluencersAUS


USA | Atlanta

address  6400 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth GA 30097 | phone +1 (770) 945-2491

email | twitter @InfluencersATL









Tue, 02 Dec 2014 16:41:16 +1030


Elevate - Influencers Church <>



Elevate End of Year Beach Party


Hi Torsten


What a blessing this time of year is. You get those great text messages and cards from people you haven’t spoken to for ages, reminding you that they are thinking of you. Christmas is such an amazing time of year. I love the fact that the whole world stops for a day and even if they don’t fully get it, it’s all about Jesus.


Sure the presents come in, the cards and the gift that we may even buy ourselves, but the real meaning, the reason we all stop is because of Jesus born to reconcile us with our heavenly father.


This weekend we are having our Christmas break up for Elevate. It’s going to be a time of fun, family and prizes. Games will be played, dinner will be had and together let’s celebrate the year, and enjoy time together. The details are below:


Even though its coming to the end of the year, we have some amazing iConnect groups and leaders that would love to connect with you. Check out the details below:


Be blessed this week and I can’t wait to see you all Saturday at the beach.


Stephen Ey


Elevate Department Head



This email and any attachments to it ("this e mail") are confidential and may be protected by legal professional privilege. This email may be subject to a valid claim of copyright by Influencers Church or the author of the material communicated by it. If you are not the intended recipient of this email you are notified that any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of the information contained in the email is prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please notify the sender or telephone Influencers Church on +61 8 8336 0000 and destroy any copies you may have. Even if you are the intended recipient, this email must not be copied, distributed, forwarded or disclosed by any method to any other person, company or entity without our express written permission.



All views and opinions expressed in or by this e mail are those of the individual sender or author, except where the sender explicitly states them to be the views and opinions of Influencers Church. We cannot guarantee that this email is free from viruses or other defect. Influencers Church takes no responsibility for misdirection, corruption or unauthorized use of email communications, nor for any damage that may be caused as a result of transmitting or receiving an email communication.


This email was sent by Influencers Church, 57 Darley Road, Paradise, South Australia 5075, Ph +618 8336 0000 to















Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:20:22 +1030


Torsten <>



Influencers Church reason ?


Influencers Church Adelaide,




What is your Influencers Church reason for refusing to welcome, your Influencers Church reason for refusing to communicate, and your Influencers Church reason of excommunication of me?




Torsten Nenzén










Fri, 28 Nov 2014 15:32:37 +1030


Torsten <>



brave Influencers excommunicate covertly?


Influencers Church Adelaide,


Hello yet again.


I visited your church on Sunday on both Nov.16, 2014 and on Sunday Nov.23, 2014. I handed over the filled communication form of contact details to your church on both Sundays.


I have twice emailed to your church with the same inquiry. 


Because your Influencers Church has not contacted me regarding the twice handed contact forms, and also because your Influencers Church has not replied to my previous email letters to your church, it would appear as though your church bravely has excommunicated me covertly by refusal of communication.


If your brave Influencers Church has excommunicated me, then please provide a reason for doing so.




Torsten Nenzén










Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:21:19 +1030


Torsten <>



Christian relationships.


Influencers Church Adelaide,


Hello again.


I visited your church on Sunday on Nov.16, 2014. I handed over the filled communication form of contact details, asking if there are also social occasion within your church. Your church chose to not contact.


On Sunday Nov.23, 2014 I repeated the process and filled the communication card with my contact details, asking if there are social occasions where also single Christians attend within your church. I handed the filled communication card to the person behind the information counter who had handed the card to me, and I informed that no person from your church had contacted me from the previous week. Your church has still not contacted.


Also, I emailed to your church with the same inquiry on the night towards Sunday Nov 23. Your church did not reply to that email.


I seek a Christian community in Adelaide where I might find opportunities to fellowship, socialise, meet and talk, and develop relationships with also Christian singles.


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also single Christians in the age bracket 30-39 (maybe also late 20’s) gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church that I can attend and develop friendships?




Torsten Nenzén










Sun, 23 Nov 2014 01:11:45 +1030


Torsten <>



Christian relationships.


Dear Influencers Church Adelaide,




I am a Christian here in Adelaide.


I seek a Christian community in Adelaide where I might find opportunities to fellowship, socialise, meet and talk, and develop relationships with also Christian singles.


Are there occasions of fellowship in your congregation where also single Christians in the age bracket 30-39 (maybe also late 20’s) gather and communicate? Are there fellowship groups, community groups, cell groups or small groups in your church that I can attend and develop friendships?


I visited your church last Sunday on Nov.16, 2014. I handed over the filled form of contact details. Your church chose to not contact. Why?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén









Photograph of the church’s communication cards which was handed to a correct church representative on duty inside the church building, on Sunday Nov.23, 2014:

