International plea sent: Thursday, Jan 30, 2014
Satanic church-pastors and church-leaders in Sydney, Australia
Satan governs most of the churches also in Sydney, Australia.
The past three months I attempted to find a Christian church in Sydney, Australia, that would welcome to church-based Christian fellowship where I might find opportunity to also meet and communicate with other Christian singles. No church anywhere in Sydney or in the state of New South Wales in Australia allowed me an opportunity to regular fellowship. Every single church in Sydney and in NSW that I contacted or set foot inside either excommunicated, banned, evicted, threatened, harassed, interfered, obstructed, lied, falsely accused, slandered and gossiped against me. Most church-pastors in Sydney aggressed me with any of these satanic methods. Of all the hundreds of churches and pastors who I contacted in Sydney and in NSW, no church permitted me to socialise with female single Christians. Without exception, in every church that I visited onsite in Sydney, the pastors/clergy/staff/leaders actively intervened to prevent that I would speak with unmarried single females. Satan truly governs all the churches in Sydney, Australia, through the pastors and church leaders.
The intensity and magnitude of satanic opposition by all the church-pastors in Sydney, Australia, supersedes the extent of satanic opposition by church-pastors previously in Melbourne, Australia and in London, UK. Satan is not only prevalent with his evil through the church-pastors, but he is also successful in his determined hindrance of God’s goodness towards me, through the satanic conduct of most church-pastors in Melbourne, London, Singapore, Jerusalem, Hawaii, Bangkok and Okanagan (and also through many, but not most, church-pastors in Chicago and in New York City). The city with greatest satanic influence of the church-pastors against me so far, is Sydney. Compared with all other cities/regions in the world where I have sought to fellowship with other Christians, the church-pastors in Sydney are the most demonically influenced and inhumane. The intensity and magnitude of satanic opposition from the church-pastors in Sydney surpasses all other cities that I have visited.
The most recent excommunication from fellowship by a church in Sydney, Australia, is:
· Jubilee Church Bondi in Sydney excommunicated by evasion:
Churches in Sydney, Australia, that excommunicated Torsten from fellowship without any justifiable reason, banned, interfered, obstructed, lied, accused falsely or deceived:
1. St Barnabas Anglican Church in Sydney excommunicated and evicted with a real threat of physical police escort:
2. Satanic Michael Paget of Anglican St Barnabas Church in Sydney persecutes with false accusations of psychopathological disorders:
3. St Philips York Street Anglican Church in Sydney excommunicated and threatened to evict with police escort:
4. Anglican rector/minster Justin Moffatt of St Philips York Street Anglican church in Sydney continued harassment to the amusement of his Anglican members:
5. Satanic Anglican Minister Tim Purser of Anglican “Church by the Bridge” in Sydney harassed, accused falsely, evicted from church premises, and threatened to telephone the police:
6. St Andrews Anglican Cathedral in Sydney excommunicated from fellowship:
7. St Thomas North Sydney Anglican Church in Sydney excommunicated and threatened to follow the Anglican pattern in Sydney to evict with police escort:
8. St Marks Darling Point Anglican Church in Sydney excommunicated and refused to provide a reason:
9. St Augustines Neutral Bay Anglican Church in Sydney excommunicated and declared intent to interfere with all human interaction to prevent all meaningful communication:
10. St Marks Northbridge Anglican Church in Sydney excommunicated by attribution of unspecified risk:
11. Hornsby Community Church in Sydney manipulatively excommunicated with false accusations and with much prejudice:
12. Narrabeen Baptist Church in Sydney explicitly banned the possibility to communicate with single Christians of opposite gender:
13. St Michaels Anglican Church in Sydney refused to welcome Christian fellowship:
14. Devilish “Awesome Church” in Sydney refused to welcome Christian fellowship, but recommended visiting [night] clubs instead:
15. St James Croydon Anglican Church in Sydney explicitly excommunicated from attendance at their church:
16. Castle Hill Community Church administrator initially invited but their pastors covertly excommunicated:
17. St Marks Pennant Hills Anglican Church in Sydney cowardly excommunicated:
18. Central Baptist Church in Sydney refused to welcome Christian fellowship:
19. Extremely false “Hillsong Sydney” refused to welcome Christian fellowship:
20. Sydney Life Church Mosman in Sydney in reality would not welcome:
21. C3 Church in Sydney effectively excommunicated by latter evasion of communication and refusal to invite to church-based fellowship:
22. Northside Community Church in Sydney eloquently banned from fellowship with other single Christians in small-group settings:
23. Anglican Church by the Bridge in Sydney evasively excommunicated:
24. Eastside Church of Christ in Sydney excluded through avoidance:
25. St Peters Anglican Church Hornsby in Sydney invited but post-visit falsely accused:
The churches in Sydney, Australia, outsource human communication and human relationships:
Apart from the above listed churches in Sydney, I visited many other churches. In each and every church which I entered in Sydney, I was approached at some point by at least one harsh-mannered church controller who would interrogate me with anticipated cult/sect questions, such as “Who do you know here?” After those interrogations, I often observed those church-controllers walk away to approach their pastor in a brief one-on-one close conversation. Often, the church-controllers were the pastors themselves. And, in the few churches where I managed to commence conversation with a single female, the pastors of those churches would quickly interfere by interrupting the conversation to interrogate me. There seems to be more slander, gossip and inhumanity inside the churches by church-people than within the secular population.
The consistency of devilish conduct by demonically influenced church leaders in Sydney, Australia, is hopefully unmatchable elsewhere.
There was only one church in Sydney and in all of the state of New South Wales which allowed me to attend a mid-week home/small/cell/fellowship group; a seventh-day Adventist church ( However, the reason that I was permitted to attend that one meeting on 2014-01-21 was due to a personal invitation by a member who was an acquaintance of the friendly secular landlord where I later stayed.
Of the satanically heretical churches in Sydney which promote homosexual sin, most belong to the denomination The Uniting Church of Australia (
One of the churches in Sydney that praises homosexual sin also worship satan’s demons by practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation:
“Chapel By the Sea Church” in Sydney, Australia, welcome visitors to satan:
· photo 1:
· photo 2:
Metropolitan Community Church in Sydney promotes homosexual sin:
A source informed me on 2014-01-04 that a community in Sydney, Australia, had prohibited Torsten from visiting their community due to their false accusation that “Torsten has a disruptive nature.” The equivalent community in London, UK, had also banned Torsten. The disclosure about this false accusation about me proves the satanic influence on leaders who have no interest in reality or truth. Because of this community’s vulnerability and for their protection, I will not identify these offenders.
In Sydney, Australia, I have no natural way to meet and sincerely communicate with real Christian females in any of the churches, due to the devilishly obstructing pastors. The pastors of the Sydney’s churches are responsible for this satanic obstruction of opportunity to communicate with single Christian females. This satanically designed hang-up is implemented by the devilish leaders of churches.
Satan is attacking me in Sydney, Australia not only through church pastors, but also through nominally associated persons of church denominations. Satan is targeting me in Sydney with everything he avails in his church-associated arsenal. Satan, the loser, is not creative but is pulling the same types of stunts against me time and again.
It is of course disappointing that all church-pastors in Sydney and NSW are so devilish, since Sydney and NSW otherwise is a beautiful place on earth to live.
I am now seeking a Christian church here in Auckland, New Zealand; hoping that there exists a church in Auckland which will welcome me to opportunities for fellowship, where I could meet and communicate with single Christians females.
Please pray that God will find a real Christian church somewhere in Auckland that will welcome real Christians to fellowship; a church where the pastor will not be devilishly intent on harming the innocently excommunicated, but a church that in reality values Christian fellowship, Christian relationships and Christian marriages. And most importantly, please pray that God will find a single young Christian woman in Auckland who is both capable to hear and willing to trust and obey the true voice of the Holy Spirit.